The Bualkhaw Chin people reside in the Falam Township in the Chin State of Myanmar. They number approximately 2,500, with 90% professing Christianity, 60% of whom claim to be evangelical, and the remaining 10% practicing ethnic religions. Eighty percent of the Bualkhaw-speaking people can read their language.
Although the Bualkhaw people possessed a New Testament translation from years past, they desired one translated directly from Greek, so their church association contacted Bibles International with a request in May 2000. They signed a translation agreement for the Bualkhaw New Testament translation in 2002.
The main translator, Jonathon Ram Ling, worked with several BI and national consultants in producing a trial edition of the books of John and Romans in 2007. The enthusiastic response to this publication clearly demonstrated that the Bualkhaw believers would eagerly accept and utilize a complete New Testament translation. In addition to the translation work, in 2008, BI printed a bridge primer as a resource for literacy teachers and an Old Testament storybook to provide background information for the people and events mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments. The team continued translating, checking, and formatting until the printing of the New Testament in 2012, which caused great delight among the Bualkhaw people. An audio edition of the New Testament followed in 2016, making it more widely accessible to the people group, many of whom cannot read.
A letter written to Bibles International and Bibles International Myanmar Society by the Bualkhaw Bible Translation Committee stated: "We the people of Bualkhaw are really grateful to God and to you for this wonderful work. When we met the Bualkhaw people who use the NT Bible in our language, they also want to have the Old Testament as soon as possible."
BI and BIMS signed an agreement for the Old Testament translation project in August 2014 with Jonathan Ram Ling continuing as the main translator. The translation team completed a trial edition of Genesis and Ruth in 2021.
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