Hakha Chin Bible & Literacy

  • Location: Myanmar
  • Target Completion Date: 2038

The Hakha Chin-speaking people number between 177,000 and 210,000. Their language family, the Kuki-Chin, is part of the Sino-Tibetan family. Though formerly animists, 65% of the Hakha Chin profess Christianity, 35% of whom claim to be evangelical, a result of the evangelization efforts of American Baptist missionaries who first arrived in the region in 1899.

Bibles International adopted the Hakha Chin New Testament project in 2002, with a Hakha pastor, Rev. Paul Cung Bil Thawng, as the first translator. Later, Bibles International Myanmar Society approached the educated and trained independent Baptist pastor, Rev. Hoi Cung Tum, better known as "Cung Cung," who had started a church intending to train the Hakha Chin in the Word of God. BIMS asked Cung Cung to help translate a reliable and understandable Bible for the Hakha people, based on biblical languages instead of an English paraphrased translation. Pastor Cung Cung agreed and became the translator, working closely with BI senior translation consultants Ross Hodsdon and others on the New Testament project. The translation team completed and dedicated the Hakha New Testament at Grace Baptist Church in Hakha Town in November 2014. At the service full of pastors, missionaries, evangelists, BI representatives, and faithful church members, tears of joy and thankfulness flowed freely as the Hakha Chin people received copies of the Word of God in their language.

Following the conclusion of the New Testament translation, the Chin Association of Baptist Churches requested the assistance of Bibles International on the translation of the Old Testament. BI adopted the project in 2016. Workshops began immediately, with Pastor Cung Cung continuing as the main translator. The translation team printed a trial edition of Genesis in 2018.

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