The Kaulong people reside on the southwestern coast of New Britain, one of the approximately 600 islands that form the country of Papua New Guinea. About 95% of the 4,000 Kaulong speakers profess Christianity, 13% of whom claim to be evangelical. In 2015, the literacy rate in Papua New Guinea had slightly risen to 63.4% from a discouraging 57.3% in 2000.
Missionaries Craig and Linda Throop ministered among the Kaulong people for over 30 years and saw the serious need for God's Word in the Kaulong language. Their efforts to meet this need resulted in Bibles International's adoption of the New Testament project in 2004, which included Kaulong language development alongside the translation work. After the New Testament completion in 2015, distribution began of 1,000 Kaulong New Testaments to the enthusiastic believers in the region. Then in 2019, the literacy team printed 500 copies of a language learning primer, additional readers on Creation and the life of Joseph, and a Bible reading guide for further training and literacy improvement.
Recently, along with encouraging reports of a fruitful revival among the Kaulong speakers came the request for more copies of the Kaulong New Testament. Thanks to the advancement and availability of technology, the Kaulong believers also enjoy access to an audio recording of the New Testament in their language.
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