The excitement was palpable as the ten-vehicle caravan left the translation center and a separate, three-vehicle caravan left another city for the Baptist Church where the dedication of the Rhema Bible would be held. It was a momentous occasion filled with reverence, celebration, and a deep sense of community. The service, with an estimated 3000 in attendance in two locations, began with an elaborate processional. It was well planned, with seven people holding objects symbolizing the Word of God, two sets of angels, and the ark with the first Ranglong Bible copy inside. It was all so moving, as was the 66-voice youth choir singing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus and other songs focusing on their new Bible. In addition to the release of the Rhema Bible, November 30, 2024 was also the release date for the Rhema Bible phone app and the Rhema dictionary app. As soon as the Bibles were officially released, the Rhema began to get their copies – even in the middle of the service. A delicious feast ensued after the five-hour celebratory service. It was truly inspiring to see such dedication and joy surrounding the Word of God. It was a day to remember for everyone involved!
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