Ron and Terri Webber are being sent out by Tri-City Baptist Church in Blue Springs, Missouri. Terri majored in missions in college, and Ron majored in Bible, completing all the residence requirements for a PhD in Old Testament Interpretation. He taught Greek as a graduate assistant. He would spend the next 33 years, though, teaching at a Christian school in Indiana and then serving as a seminary professor and assistant pastor in Missouri. In April 2019, Joe and Bonnie V. participated in a missions conference at the Webbers' church and asked Ron to consider becoming a translation consultant. Ron and Terri attended a Haitian Creole OT workshop in June at the BI office and saw clearly how God could use them in this ministry. Terri can now fully employ her missions training, and Ron can apply his many years of training and ministry to Bible translation in Africa. They will be based out of the BI office and will travel to Africa regularly.