Children's Materials

Keep world missions in front of your young people by emphasizing it in general and by presenting the specific need of Bible translation. This free material can be used for Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, Children's Church, AWANA, or other programs.


Walk In The Dark

Walk in the Dark Booklet Cover

We invite you to bring your children along with Bibles International to places like, Asia, Peru, Africa, and Venezuela to show them how God’s Word brings the light of the Gospel to dark places around the world. They will see how Bible translation and literacy are used by God to bring people to the light.

Teacher Booklet & Power Point

God's Word Gives Light Song


People Plain & Tall - Chad, Africa

PPT Chad Website

Follow the life of Ada Temple from her childhood in Endicott, New York to the African country of Chad, to CAR and back to Chad.  Be amazed at what God can do through any ordinary humble servant of God.

Teacher Booklet & Power Point
God's Word Gives Light Song


People Plain & Tall

Cropped PPT Cover 2022 C

Enjoy the stories of William Haas, Hamidu Insah, Marilyn Pitzer, and Deb Singh, all ordinary people who persevered in obedience to God, even when people, circumstances, loneliness or physical disability were against them.

Teacher Booklet & Power Point

God's Word Gives Light Song


Creole's Cookin'

CC Cover front resized wo BI

Creole's Cookin'
is a short missionary biography with four stories and an epilogue. Learn about a boy who grew up to become a Bible translator and then a translation consultant!

Teacher Booklet & Power Point

God's Word Gives Light Song


Daniel's Journey


Daniel's Journey
, features a Chadian boy's desire to have a Bible of his own, in his own language, Day (pronounced "dye").

Teacher Booklet, PowerPoint, & Worksheet

God's Word Gives Light Song