In 1966, the United States Congress was introduced to a resolution to establish a permanent day of the year to honor Bible translation. Today, we call it Bible Translation Day, and it occurs annually on September 30. Bibles International exists to provide God's word to those in need. More than 200 million people representing nearly 4,000 languages have no portion of the Bible in their heart language, and over one billion people are still waiting for a complete Bible in their mother tongue.
Bible Day is an opportunity for churches to serve those in need through special offerings for the ministry of Bible translation around the world.
Bibles International is encouraging churches to begin an intentional practice of observing Bible Day on whichever Sunday falls closest to September 30. What a wonderful tribute it would be to our God if churches all over the United States chose to honor His Word, as well as those who have given so much, even their very lives, for the sake of translating it! In order to assist churches in doing that, Bibles International has prepared bulletin inserts that can be downloaded and printed for your church's Bible Day. Make plans now to observe this special day, or another designated Sunday of your choice.
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