Change is a given at Bibles International (BI). As some people begin their BI ministry, others are completing theirs. On August 4th, during our annual Consultants Seminar, the BI staff commemorated the service of translation consultant Cathy H., as she neared her October 31 retirement. A lovely catered dinner and program gave tribute to Cathy’s years of faithful service. Cathy and her husband, Ross, who is now enjoying the glories of heaven, joined Baptist Mid-Missions (BMM) in 1976; they joined BI in 1989. While Cathy will be retiring from BMM and BI, she does not intend to give up her consulting work. She will continue her work on various projects, one of which is the Old Testament for the Tenek Indians in Mexico. Cathy and translator Fernando Angeles and his wife, Christy, have completed the New Testament and look forward to the day that the Tenek will have a complete Bible in their language. Cathy also looks forward to having more time to work in her church, particularly doing visitation.
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