Resources for Pastors

  • Adopt-a-Language

    Learn about a program for individuals and churches to underwrite an entire translation project or a portion of one.

  • Bible Day

    Bible Day is an opportunity for churches to serve those in need through special offerings for the ministry of Bible translation around the world.

  • Children's Materials

    Keep world missions in front of your young people by emphasizing it in general and by presenting the specific need of Bible translation. This free material can be used for Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, Children's Church, AWANA, or other programs.

  • Arlington Statement

    Extreme contextualization is an increasingly popular trend but very problematic. Bibles International joined with others to establish a conservative response.

  • Bible Reading Plans

    Set aside a time each day that you can devote to reading God's Word. Then pick up your Bible and start reading! For a helpful way to track your progress, use one of our Bible reading guides.

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