When Beverly (Bev) Frueh walked out of the Bibles International (BI) office on Friday, January 28, 2005, she had finished a very satisfying career at BI where she had worked since 1992. She loved the work and never intended to leave, until the Lord began nudging her to go elsewhere.
Through the years, she has enjoyed Christian ministries in several other places, currently working as secretary at her home church, North Park Baptist Church in Grand Rapids. She loves her work there and continues working there part time. But when BI director Tim F. presented her with the opportunity to return to BI, Bev began praying about returning. When a part-time administrative assistant position in the finance department opened up, Bev was eager to return.
BI is happy to have Bev back. Knowing some of the projects and procedures here helped her to fit into the work quickly.
Welcome back, Bev! We’re glad to have you with us again.